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User-Facing Analytics: Key Insights and Examples

January 22, 2024

You May Be Here Because:

  • You're a B2B SaaS provider looking to enhance your product with powerful, user-facing analytics.
  • You want to engage and retain users by offering data-driven insights directly within your application.
  • You're aiming to deliver a seamless, branded analytics experience that feels integral to your app, not an afterthought.
  • You're searching for best practices and real-life examples of exceptional customer-facing dashboards.
  • You're interested in exploring how Vizzly can help you create sophisticated analytics dashboards quickly and efficiently.

In the fiercely competitive world of SaaS, delivering exceptional user experiences is essential. To stand out, your product needs to engage, retain, and delight users, turning them into advocates for your brand. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by integrating user-facing analytics directly into your application, providing crucial data insights precisely where users need them most.

But what defines outstanding user-facing analytics?

At its core, it's about ease of use, flexibility, and the availability of data. Can your users quickly find answers to their questions? Can they effortlessly adjust data views to suit their needs? Does your analytics experience encourage them to regularly return to your app?

Use Cases for User-Facing Analytics

1. Self-Service Analytics

Providing self-service analytics means empowering users to answer their own data questions swiftly. Many software companies start by sending manual reports, but this method is both time-consuming and less engaging. Incorporating analytics directly within your app not only saves time but also boosts user engagement and retention. Advanced offerings include custom reporting or editable dashboards, allowing users to build their own data views.

2. Data Products

For some SaaS businesses, data is the core product. These companies invest heavily in data sourcing and engineering. While some customers may only need the raw APIs, many others benefit from a visualization layer or user-facing analytics, making complex data accessible and actionable for a broader audience.

3. Displaying User Activity Data

Many SaaS and API platforms provide pages dedicated to showcasing user activity, highlighting the value customers derive from the platform. This is especially vital for companies with bottom-up or product-led growth strategies, where value-based pricing depends on demonstrating tangible user engagement.

Five Instances of Outstanding User-Facing Analytics

1. Stripe

Stripe sets a high standard for user-facing analytics. Their editable dashboard and pre-configured widgets offer a customizable experience, aligning with the growing trend of self-service analytics in SaaS and API platforms. Stripe's dashboards are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, making them a model for other product managers and developers.

2. Mercury

Mercury, a FinTech leader, excels in user-facing analytics. Their banking app features a home page rich in reporting and analytics. Although not configurable, the dashboard is highly interactive, with click events leading to actions like account creation and detailed views. This approach enhances user engagement by integrating analytics seamlessly into their workflow.

3. Rippling

Rippling is frequently cited by customers seeking custom reporting capabilities. Their platform allows users to generate and customize reports or visualizations, which can be exported as CSVs or PDFs. In the HR context, where data is complex and varied, having control over how data is presented in user-facing dashboards is crucial.

4. Hubspot

Hubspot transforms the typically cumbersome CRM reporting experience into something enjoyable and user-friendly. Their platform stands out by making user-facing analytics accessible to non-data experts. Users can engage confidently with the data, whether through editable dashboards or custom reporting features, making Hubspot a favorite among those who need intuitive CRM analytics.

5. Skyscanner

Skyscanner's Travel Insights product exemplifies complex data visualization done right. Their robust API supports various data slices, and the visualization tools cater to diverse user needs. With impressive geospatial data visualizations, Skyscanner's user-facing analytics provide deep insights and are a benchmark for data products that require intricate analytics solutions.

How Vizzly Can Help You Build These Experiences

Building effective user-facing analytics requires significant effort from both product and engineering teams. Vizzly simplifies this process by offering a quick-to-market solution that is also flexible and extensible. Leveraging Vizzly’s query engine and no-code dashboard builder, you can create custom visualizations and workflows. Additionally, Vizzly's callback functions allow for advanced customization of click events and much more.

Tenets of Best-in-Class User-Facing Analytics

To create exceptional user-facing analytics like the examples mentioned, consider the following principles:

  • Time-to-Value: Launch your analytics capabilities within days, not months.
  • Control Over Design & Experience: Use APIs to maximize customization and flexibility.
  • Product Longevity: Ensure your dashboards can evolve and extend in alignment with your business needs.

By adhering to these principles, you can provide a cohesive and engaging analytics experience that integrates seamlessly into your product.


Incorporating user-facing analytics into your B2B SaaS application can dramatically enhance user engagement and retention. Vizzly empowers you to create next-generation analytics dashboards that are both visually appealing and highly functional. If you're ready to transform your data into a core component of your user experience, explore what Vizzly can do for you.

Interested in taking your analytics to the next level? Book your demo here.

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