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Customize Dashboards with Vizzly’s Theme API

February 1, 2023

You May Be Here Because:

  • You want complete control over the appearance of your customer-facing dashboards.
  • You’re tired of the limited customization options provided by traditional tools.
  • You’re looking for an API-based approach to design that integrates seamlessly with your development workflow.
  • You want to ensure your dashboards are consistent with your brand’s look and feel.

Maintaining a consistent brand identity across all customer touchpoints is crucial. Yet, many tools offer only limited customization options, leaving your dashboards looking generic and out of place. With Vizzly’s Theme API, you can effortlessly align your dashboard's design with your brand’s unique style.

Why Did We Build the Theme API?

At Vizzly, we understand that a great developer experience leads to a better end-user experience. Our goal is to empower you to build without limitations, combining the flexibility of in-house development with the ease and efficiency of an integrated tool.

If you’ve worked with tools like Metabase, PowerBI, or Sisense, you know the frustration of limited styling options. Typically, you can only tweak basic variables like color palettes, fonts, and logos. But dashboards are more than just these few elements—they are a critical part of your product experience.

Vizzly’s Theme API changes the game. It allows you to fully customize the look and feel of your dashboards by applying themes through our API. Whether you prefer using CSS objects from your design system or popular frameworks like Tailwind CSS or Chakra UI, Vizzly’s Theme API gives you the freedom to design without constraints.

How Does the Theme API Work?

Here’s how you can use Vizzly’s Theme API to bring your dashboards to life:

Apply Themes with CSS Objects:

  • Use CSS objects to style your dashboards dynamically. You can define these styles in your design system or import them from CSS-in-JS libraries.
  • For example, you can pass a CSS object directly to the Vizzly component, allowing real-time updates and customization.

Integrate with Popular CSS Frameworks:

  • Easily integrate themes from popular frameworks like Tailwind CSS and Chakra UI. This flexibility ensures your dashboard aligns perfectly with your existing application styles.
  • For Tailwind CSS, you can map Tailwind classes to the dashboard components dynamically.

Real-Time Theme Updates:

  • Adjust the theme on the fly based on user interactions or settings. This capability is perfect for creating dashboards that adapt to different user preferences or application states.

“Vizzly allowed us to embed a top quality customizable and whitelabled analytics dashboard right into our product. This saved us so much time and engineering resources and allowed us to get the solution provided by the analytics experts.” - Ali Avci, Co-Founder & CTO @ Ariglad


The Ariglad team were able to get up and running with the first iteration of their dashboard in less than 2 days. Not only that, they now possess a dashboard embed solution capable of seamlessly adapting to the evolving requirements of their valued customers, ensuring scalability and long-term satisfaction. In summary:

  • Lightening quick integration
  • Huge annual cost saving when compared to building in-house
  • Maximises deal closure with new product capability

Why Choose Vizzly’s Theme API?

Vizzly offers a robust and flexible solution for creating customer-facing dashboards that are fully customizable to match your brand’s aesthetic. Here’s why it’s the preferred choice for many developers:

  • Full Customization: Unlike traditional tools that offer limited styling options, Vizzly’s Theme API allows you to control every aspect of your dashboard’s appearance.
  • Developer-Friendly: Built with developers in mind, the API simplifies the process of integrating and applying themes, saving valuable time and effort.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with your existing design systems and popular CSS frameworks, ensuring consistency across your entire application.
  • Responsive Design: Allows for adaptive designs that respond to user settings and interactions, enhancing the overall user experience.

How to Get Started?Ready to take your dashboards to the next level? Here’s how you can start using Vizzly’s Theme API:

  1. Sign Up for Vizzly: If you’re new to Vizzly, sign up and explore our platform. It’s easy to get started, and you can begin customizing your dashboards right away.
  2. Read the Documentation: Check out our comprehensive documentation on how to use the Theme API. It provides detailed guidance and examples to help you get up and running quickly.
  3. Contact Us: If you have any questions or need assistance, our team of experts is here to help. Reach out to us at


Vizzly’s Theme API is designed to give you full control over the appearance of your dashboards, providing a seamless and enjoyable development experience. By allowing extensive customization, it ensures your dashboards are not only functional but also aesthetically aligned with your brand. See how Vizzly is helping B2B SaaS platforms in custom reporting.

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