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7 Leading Embedded Analytics platforms in 2024

August 22, 2024

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Embedding bespoke analytics into your platform is of utmost importance. It helps your end-users in several ways. It enables them to access valuable data insights without requiring technical expertise, thereby enhancing their efficiency and productivity. This, in turn, contributes to an overall increase in output.

Most Embedded Analytics today are secondary offerings from traditional BI tools that are simply repackaged in an iframe. This affects 2 major pillars - performance and customization capabilities. We have compiled a list of 7 Leading embedded analytics platforms in 2024 to help you choose a solution that genuinely fits your data visualization needs.

1. Vizzly

Vizzly is built from the ground up to serve this purpose. It provides customer-facing analytics for modern SaaS applications. Designed with the needs of end-users in mind, Vizzly offers robust end-user configurations that prioritize custom reporting and flexibility, ensuring a seamless and intuitive data experience.

Key Features:

  • A perfect blend of no-code and pro-code tools allows non-technical stakeholders to contribute to the build process while providing a range of developer tools to customize and control the look, feel, and behavior of the dashboard experience.
  • Product Extensibility: Vizzly is extensible through code, allowing developers to interact with the dashboard via code, override entire components, create custom workflows, and inject custom visualizations from third-party libraries when necessary.
  • Custom Reporting: Vizzly’s custom reporting (or ‘self-serve analytics’) allows end-users to configure the dashboard or report when enabled. You can control the extent of this configuration using Vizzly’s feature toggles.
  • For complex use cases, Vizzly also offers a React Hook and JS Services package, enabling developers to create and manage dashboards with code.

Why choose Vizzly?

Vizzly is the embedded analytics solutions that offers product extensibility and native JS embedding. This results in much more control over product and end-user experience.

  • Perfect for both no-code and pro-code solutions, offering quick time-to-market without sacrificing flexibility. You can build the product experience you want without the compromises that typically come with 'off-the-shelf' no-code products.
  • Custom Reporting is a unique selling point, allowing you to adjust the degree of end-user configuration based on who the end-user is and the level of customization you wish to offer.

What Users say about it?

Vizzly allowed us to build a highly customized analytics experience without the time and complexity of building from scratch. Its code-driven approach streamlined our analytics deployments and enhanced dashboard maintainability.

James Baird, Data Product Manager, Tendable

2. Power BI Embedded

The Power BI Embedded solution enables businesses and enterprises to integrate Power BI dashboards and insights into their applications. It is primarily used for internal reporting and offers implementations via Javascript SDK and iFrame.

Key Features:

  • Proprietary language: It has a Non-SQL-based language which makes it difficult to use if you are already familiar with SQL.
  • It’s easy to use for everyone familiar with Office solutions and those within the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Security: It is highly secure and offers row-level security and all your data is hosted on Microsoft's cloud: Azure.
  • Good for complex data visualization and provides unified interfaces that improve the user experience.

Why choose Power BI Embedded?

It is quite easy to integrate with Azure, SQL Server, and Azure Active Directory, among other Microsoft products. That said, if you are already on the Microsoft stack it might be the choice for you unless otherwise. However, due to its iFrame-based approach, you may want to consider alternatives for greater customization flexibility.

3. Tableau

Tableau is a business intelligence solution primarily designed for internal reporting. It also offers a secondary option for embedded analytics, known as Tableau Embedded Analytics.

Key Features:

  • No-code builder for Non-Technical stakeholders: It offers drag-and-drop functionality for building dashboards and datasets and has a wide range of chart types.
  • Tableau has a comprehensive array of database, data warehouse, and SaaS interfaces, allowing users to seamlessly connect to a diverse set of data sources for unified reporting.
  • It offers implementation via iFrames or HTML web components.
  • Does not offer row-level security (i.e., no permissions or user authentication).

Why choose Tableau for Embedded Analytics?

Tableau is more suitable for enterprise organizations wishing to build and scale their own internal BI function, offering more comprehensive dashboarding and visualization features.

4. Luzmo

Luzmo, previously known as, is an embedded analytics platform that is designed for SaaS products.

Key Features:

  • No-code approach: Luzmo has a quick plug-and-play system designed for no-technical stakeholders and simple dashboard building.
  • Cloud Only: It does not offer a self-hosting option. This approach suits those who prefer a quick plug-and-play solution and are less concerned about who manages their data.
  • Luzmo offers implementation via iFrames and HTML web components embeds.
  • Basic Theming: Although Luzmo offers basic control over color palettes and fonts through a simple UI, there’s no way of overriding CSS objects or injecting custom components into the dashboard.
  • It offers Custom Reporting through its Self-service BI interface.

Why choose Luzmo?

Luzmo is ideal for those seeking a quick plug-and-play system, though it may not suit users who require self-hosting options or extensive customization flexibility, as it follows a cloud-only approach.

5. Preset

Preset is an embedded analytics offering on top of popular open-source BI tool, Apache Superset.

Key Features:

  • Preset features one of the most extensive visualization libraries, with a range of chart formats.
  • Security: Secure access control with row-level security and SSO along with granular permissions.
  • Implementation is done via an iFrame and It also has a Preset API.
  • Build dashboards with a no-code builder, eliminating the need for technical expertise.

Why choose Preset?

Preset offers a well balanced blend of strong security and an extensive data visualization library. However, just like Luzmo, Preset does not offer the self-hosting option, which is an important consideration.

6. Explo

Explo is another embedded analytics platform designed for integrating analytics into customer-facing applications.

Key Features:

  • White label Solution: Explo offers a white-label portal for accessing analytics where users can log in and view your dashboards with their own data.
  • Explo Report Builder: It has self-serve reporting where users can configure their own reports.
  • Cloud only: With Explo, you can’t self-host, which means you have less control over performance and your data.
  • It gives you the option to embed via a web component or an iFrame.

Why choose Explo?

Unlike traditional BI tools, Explo is purpose-built for embedded analytics like Vizzly. With its self-serve report builder, no-code builder and a large visualization library you have a good balance. However, for those considering self-hosting and want control over their data and performance, Explo might not be well suited.

7. Metabase

Metabase is a business intelligence tool that is primarily designed for internal dashboard reporting. It offers embedded analytics as a secondary use case.

Key Features:

  • Open source: Being an open-source platform, it provides a great deal of flexibility and community support. One of the key reasons SaaS companies use Metabase is the community support, and because it's open-source, developers can alter the source code to suit their needs.
  • Despite being easy to implement, iFrames is out-of-date and presents a security risk, which makes it difficult for developers to work with.
  • Cloud-based & self-hosted: For ultimate control, self-hosting or running on the cloud are options. Like Vizzly, Metabase gives developers flexibility and choice over where their data is stored by providing a dual approach.

Why choose Metabase?

Metabase is designed for those looking for a simple and intuitive experience. Despite not providing a greater level of customization flexibility, Metabase excels in the area of community support.


These are the seven leading embedded analytics solutions in 2024. Selecting the right tool for your business will depend on various factors, so be sure to explore these options further.

Check out how Vizzly compares to the rest of the solutions.

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