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Top User-Facing Analytics Platforms for 2024

November 2, 2023

You May Be Here Because:

  • You're exploring how Vizzly and other platforms can enhance your analytics capabilities.
  • You want to provide your users with engaging and actionable data insights directly within your platform.
  • You're evaluating embedded analytics solutions to avoid the complexities of building in-house.
  • You want to understand the key features and limitations of popular embedded analytics tools.

Offering user-facing analytics is a significant advantage for SaaS apps and marketplaces. It empowers users by providing data engagement within your platform, crucial for tracking, monitoring, and decision-making. However, building these capabilities in-house can be daunting. Embedded analytics platforms present a faster, more efficient alternative, eliminating the need to develop backend infrastructure and frontend visualization layers from scratch. This post explores leading embedded analytics solutions and their unique capabilities.

1. Vizzly

Vizzly specializes in customer-facing analytics for modern SaaS. Its mission is to help companies build user-facing analytics quickly without sacrificing user experience or product quality. Vizzly offers a semantic layer, manages user permissions, and provides a powerful, extensible visualization layer. This platform allows users to create everything from simple insights to advanced custom reporting.

Key Considerations:

  • Rapid Deployment: Vizzly significantly reduces the time-to-market for user-facing analytics with an ultra low-code development process. Non-technical stakeholders can participate in the build process with Vizzly Cloud.
  • Customizability: APIs and SDKs enable extensive product and customization options, including overriding dashboard components and using React Hooks for programmatic view creation.
  • User Empowerment: Offers custom reporting options, allowing end-users to edit dashboard views or build their own. Try an example on Vizzly’s homepage.
  • Control and Speed: Vizzly is ideal for startups and mid-market organizations seeking to maintain control while accelerating development.

2. Metabase Embedded

Metabase is primarily a business intelligence tool designed for internal analysis but can also be used for user-facing analytics. Known for its open-source nature, Metabase is popular among data-literate stakeholders and early-stage startups.

Key Considerations:

  • Open-Source Flexibility: Metabase's large community supports extensive customization, but its core focus is internal BI rather than user-facing analytics.
  • Deployment Options: Available as both self-hosted and cloud-based solutions, providing flexibility based on security needs.
  • Embedding Limitations: Uses iFrames for embedding, limiting customization and integration with your application.
  • Growth Path: Many companies eventually move to more flexible and configurable solutions after starting with Metabase.

3. PowerBI Embedded

PowerBI from Microsoft is an enterprise-grade BI platform. It offers embedded analytics, though it’s primarily designed for internal business use. PowerBI has extensive experience in the embedded analytics domain.

Key Considerations:

  • White-Label Solution: Customizable colors and fonts but limited by non-extensible CSS and code.
  • Deep Visualization Options: Offers a wide variety of data visualization types, but the interface can feel outdated and bulky.
  • iFrame-Based Embedding: Similar to Metabase, uses iFrames which may limit performance and integration capabilities.
  • Community Support: PowerBI's vast community of experts can assist with customer-facing setups, though this may involve additional costs and time.

4. Cube

Cube acts as a semantic layer that simplifies building and maintaining centralized data models. It supports embedding by pairing with other visualization tools like Metabase, Superset, or Vizzly.

Key Considerations:

  • Frontend Control: Ideal for companies wanting complete control over the frontend, though this requires additional development for visualization.
  • Compatibility: Works with various open-source chart libraries and embedded analytics solutions.
  • Decoupling Trend: Cube's separation of semantic layer and frontend visualization is gaining traction for consistency in metric definitions.
  • Open-Source Flexibility: Cube is open-source, providing an option for those preferring to keep data on-premise.

5. Luzmo

Formerly known as, Luzmo has shifted focus towards user-facing analytics for SaaS applications. It provides custom reporting features and a more developer-friendly experience.

Key Considerations:

  • API-Driven: Like Vizzly, Luzmo allows building datasets and dashboards via API, enhancing developer flexibility.
  • Cloud-Only: Offers a cloud solution with SOC II and ISO compliance, though lacks a self-hosted option.
  • Customization Challenges: Some users find its dashboards less customizable and the documentation challenging.
  • Enhanced API: Despite being an out-of-the-box solution, Luzmo's APIs make it a compelling choice for embedding user-facing analytics over traditional BI tools.

Considering Embedded Analytics?

When selecting an embedded analytics solution for user-facing dashboards, prioritize these factors:

  • Performance: Dashboards should render quickly, preferably using JavaScript rather than iFrames.
  • Customization: Ability to pass CSS objects or override components is crucial.
  • End-User Experience: The solution should cater to varying levels of data literacy and complexity.
  • Developer Experience: Ensure your engineering team has the necessary tools for efficient implementation.

With Vizzly, you gain an ultra low-code solution that balances extensibility and customization. It provides APIs for maximum control over your product experience, ensuring that you don’t have to compromise when developing user-facing analytics.

See how Vizzly empowers latest AI startups in the SaaS space with industry leading customer-facing analytics.

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