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Vizzly vs. Open Source Chart Libraries

September 18, 2023

You May Be Here Because:

  • You're evaluating whether to build customer-facing analytics in-house using open-source chart libraries.
  • You need a solution that provides more than just basic data visualization.
  • You're seeking a platform that balances control over UI/UX with quick deployment.
  • You want to understand the added value Vizzly offers compared to open-source alternatives.
  • You're concerned about the performance and security of your customer-facing dashboard.
  • You’re looking for advanced features and extensibility in your analytics platform.

In data visualization, open-source chart libraries are prevalent, offering a range of solutions like Charts.js, Apex Charts, Recharts, and D3. However, building a customer-facing analytics dashboard involves much more than just selecting a chart library. Here’s why Vizzly stands out as the preferred choice for SaaS companies over open-source options.

1. Time to Value

Creating a fully functional dashboard is more complex than assembling charts on a web page. Even for basic dashboards, you need to:

  • Develop the API Layer: Connect your database efficiently.
  • Implement User Authentication: Secure multi-tenant environments.
  • Integrate Chart Libraries: Deal with the nuances and complexities.
  • Add Interactivity: Enable filters and data download options.
  • Optimize Performance: Ensure both backend and frontend run smoothly.
  • Manage Updates: Adapt the API for new data views as needed.

These tasks can quickly extend beyond a simple project, potentially consuming several months and diverting focus from core activities. Vizzly simplifies this with an end-to-end solution, allowing you to launch an MVP in hours, not months.

2. Value Beyond the Basics

Once your Vizzly dashboard is up and running, you can leverage a range of built-in features to enhance your analytics capabilities:

  • Scheduled Reporting: Automate data delivery via webhooks.
  • Programmatic Filters: Pre-set filters to boost render speed.
  • Cascading Filters: Prevent users from selecting incompatible filters.
  • Callback Functions: Enable detailed interactions, like drill-downs.
  • Custom Reporting: Allow users to customize or build their own data views.

With Vizzly, you get advanced functionality and extensibility right from the start, enabling you to quickly adapt to market demands and user feedback.

3. Product Extensibility

Maintaining control over your product's UI/UX is crucial. While open-source chart libraries offer deep customization, Vizzly provides significant flexibility without compromising on deployment speed. Here's how Vizzly maintains this balance:

  • Native Components: Use React or HTML components for embedding.
  • CSS Customization: Pass CSS objects to customize the dashboard.
  • Component Overrides: Modify elements like dropdowns, date pickers, and icons.
  • Callback Functions: Integrate with existing in-app logic for dynamic interactions.

For niche data visualizations, Vizzly will soon introduce a Plugin API, allowing you to inject custom visuals into your dashboard.

4. Performance & Security

Security and performance are non-negotiable when building customer-facing dashboards. Vizzly addresses these concerns with:

  • Self-Hosted Query Engine: Connect securely to your database.
  • Dockerized Deployment: Simplify and streamline the deployment process.
  • SDKs for Authentication: Manage row-level permissions and secure data access.

Vizzly also offers an in-browser query engine for loading data client-side, ensuring your data remains secure and performance optimized.


When deciding between Vizzly and open-source chart libraries for your customer-facing analytics, consider the full scope of what you need. Open-source libraries require significant effort to build and maintain a robust solution.

Whether you're launching an MVP or developing a sophisticated analytics dashboard, Vizzly delivers value and flexibility that open-source options can't match.

See how Vizzly is helping B2B SaaS platforms in custom reporting.

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