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Top 3 Trends Shaping Embedded Analytics in 2024

December 27, 2023

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Key Trends in Embedded Analytics for 2024

The Advent of the Semantic Layer

The semantic layer is emerging as a crucial component in the evolution of embedded analytics. It acts as a bridge between raw data and business users, and thus simplifies data access and enhances data accuracy by translating complex data structures into business-friendly terms.

  • Simplifies Data Access: Provides a unified view of data, making it easier for business users to interact with and understand complex datasets.
  • Improves Data Quality: Ensures consistency and accuracy in data interpretation across different platforms.
  • Enhances Integration: Facilitates seamless integration of data from various sources, promoting better decision-making.
  • Applications: Business intelligence platforms, enterprise data management systems, and applications requiring unified data views.

2. Low-Code/No-Code Integration

The rise of low-code and no-code platforms is revolutionizing embedded analytics by enabling non-technical users to develop and deploy analytics features quickly. This democratizes data access and accelerates the deployment of analytics capabilities.

  • Democratizes Data Access: Allows business users without technical expertise to create and manage analytics tools.
  • Accelerates Development: Facilitates rapid prototyping and deployment, reducing time-to-market.
  • Enhances Flexibility: Enables broader organizational participation in data-driven decision-making.
  • Applications: Internal business dashboards, customer-facing analytics in SaaS applications, and small to medium-sized enterprises.

3. Enhanced User Experience (UX) Design

As the competition in embedded analytics grows, the focus on user experience (UX) design becomes crucial. A well-designed UX can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction, making data visualizations more accessible and intuitive.

  • Improves User Engagement: Better UX design leads to higher user satisfaction and retention.
  • Simplifies Data Interaction: Makes it easier for users to interpret and act on data insights.
  • Supports Diverse User Roles: Tailors the analytics experience for various user types, from analysts to executives.
  • Applications: Business intelligence dashboards, customer analytics platforms, and mobile-friendly data applications.

4. Self-Service Analytics

Self-service analytics empowers business users to explore data and generate insights independently, without relying heavily on IT or data specialists. This trend is growing as organizations seek to democratize data access and foster a culture of data-driven decision-making.

  • Empowers Users: Allows non-technical users to explore data and derive insights on their own.
  • Reduces IT Dependency: Frees up IT resources by enabling users to create their own reports and dashboards.
  • Enhances Agility: Promotes faster decision-making and more responsive data exploration.
  • Applications: Internal reporting tools, ad-hoc analysis platforms, and any business environment promoting decentralized data access.

5. AI-Driven Insights

AI-driven analytics can automatically detect patterns, anomalies, and trends, offering proactive insights and recommendations.

  • Provides Deeper Insights: AI can uncover trends and patterns that traditional analytics might miss.
  • Personalizes Experiences: Enhances user experience with tailored and contextual data recommendations.
  • Automates Analysis: Reduces manual effort in data analysis, enabling real-time decision-making.
  • Applications: Customer behavior analysis, predictive maintenance, and automated decision-making systems.


For modern SaaS companies, to stay ahead, it’s crucial to understand and embrace the trends that will shape embedded analytics in 2024.

See the key considerations in Embedded AI for Analytics & how Vizzly empowers the latest AI startups for their embedded analytics.

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