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Build Versatile Dashboards on Any REST API

April 12, 2023

You May Be Here Because:

  • You’re looking for a low-code solution to build customer-facing dashboards with minimal technical overhead.
  • You want to integrate your dashboards with a REST API instead of directly connecting to a database.
  • You need a scalable solution that can grow with your business, from MVP to post-IPO.
  • You’re curious about how Vizzly simplifies the process of creating interactive, data-driven dashboards.

In the ever-evolving world of SaaS, having a robust and flexible analytics dashboard is essential. Vizzly offers a low-code platform that allows you to build customer-facing dashboards with the same level of customization and flexibility as if you were developing them in-house. Whether you need a simple dashboard or a comprehensive analytics platform, Vizzly can scale with your needs, from MVP to post-IPO.

Why Use an API Connector?

Choosing to connect your dashboards to a REST API instead of directly to a database can offer several advantages. Here’s why integrating Vizzly with your API makes sense:

  1. Manage Server Load:
    • By handling data queries in the browser, the server’s workload is significantly reduced. This means the server can focus on processing critical tasks or requests that require backend logic, improving overall system performance.
    • Although Vizzly includes built-in caching, using an API layer provides even greater control over data handling and load management.
  2. Simplified Architecture:
    • Utilizing a REST API can simplify your application's architecture by reducing dependencies on backend servers or databases. This lightweight setup minimizes complexity in managing your database infrastructure.
    • Simplified architecture leads to easier maintenance and potentially lower costs, making it an attractive option for growing SaaS companies.
  3. Enhanced Privacy and Security:
    • Communicating through an API can provide an additional layer of security. It allows you to control the data flow more precisely and can keep the database isolated from direct client access.
    • Vizzly’s self-hosted query engine ensures you maintain ultimate responsibility for data security, giving you the flexibility to choose the level of control and security that best suits your needs.

How Does Vizzly’s API Integration Work?

Vizzly’s API integration process is designed to be straightforward and developer-friendly. Here’s how you can set up your dashboards to work with any REST API:

1. Setup the Vizzly CLI:

  • Start by installing and configuring the Vizzly Command Line Interface (CLI). This tool helps streamline the setup process and manage your project efficiently.

2. Add the React or HTML Component:

  • Integrate the Vizzly component into your React or Vue application. This component will handle all client-side queries, ensuring no additional network calls or database queries are made during chart rendering.

3. Define Your Data Schema:

  • Specify the structure of the datasets returned by your API. This helps Vizzly understand and visualize your data correctly.

4. Implement Access and Authentication Rules:

  • Define the access and authentication rules for your dashboard. This ensures that only authorized users can view or interact with specific data sets.

5. Build Your Dashboard Experience:

  • Once the setup is complete, you can focus on building and refining your dashboard, leveraging Vizzly’s powerful features to create a seamless and interactive user experience.

When to Use Vizzly’s Self-Hosted Query Engine

While Vizzly’s in-browser query engine is ideal for handling small data sets, there are cases where a self-hosted query engine may be more appropriate:

  • Large Data Volumes: For applications dealing with large volumes of data, processing queries on the server side can enhance performance and efficiency.
  • Complex Data Processing: If your application requires complex data transformations or aggregations, a self-hosted query engine can provide the necessary computational power and flexibility.

“Vizzly allowed us to embed a top quality customizable and whitelabled analytics dashboard right into our product. This saved us so much time and engineering resources and allowed us to get the solution provided by the analytics experts.” - Ali Avci, Co-Founder & CTO @ Ariglad


The Ariglad team were able to get up and running with the first iteration of their dashboard in less than 2 days. Not only that, they now possess a dashboard embed solution capable of seamlessly adapting to the evolving requirements of their valued customers, ensuring scalability and long-term satisfaction. In summary:

  • Lightening quick integration
  • Huge annual cost saving when compared to building in-house
  • Maximises deal closure with new product capability


Vizzly’s low-code platform empowers developers and product teams to build flexible, customer-facing dashboards that integrate smoothly with any REST API. By reducing server load, simplifying architecture, and enhancing privacy and security, Vizzly offers a comprehensive solution for modern SaaS applications.

Learn how Vizzly empowers Leading AI startups with Custom reporting capabilties.

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